Showing 1–12 of 18 results

Rapé is considered to be a sacred, shamanic medicine. It’s traditionally prepared by a knowledgeable shaman of the tribe. Because the medicine is sacred, the natives take rapé as a prayer calling upon the forces of Nature, the blessing of the animals of the forest, and power of medicinal plants to heal us and give us strength.


Aureum Horus Range

Apurinã Rapè

Out of stock

Aureum Horus Range

Canela De Velho Rapè


Aureum Horus Range

Emburana Rapè

Out of stock

Aureum Horus Range

Murici Rapé

Out of stock

Aureum Horus Range

Nukini Jaguar


Aureum Horus Range

Nukini White Rose


Aureum Horus Range

Ayahusca Vine Rapè


Aureum Horus Range

Pariki Rapè


Aureum Horus Range

Pau Periera Rapè
