[vc_row css_animation=”bounceInLeft”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation.

One could view shamanism as the universal spiritual wisdom. As all ancient spiritual practices are rooted in nature, shamanism is the method by which we as human beings can strengthen that natural connection.

Shamanism use various techniques and technologies including sounds, sacred plant medicines, the elements, fasting, sensory deprivation (vision quest), and physical pain and discomfort in order to induce altered states of consciousness, communicate with the spirit world , strengthen power, gain knowledge and for healing purposes.

Shamanic Healing can be compared to taking your car in for a tune-up, but the vehicle is your body and the tuning is literal.

As a human being, your vehicle is so much more complex than an automobile so the effect is deeply felt at all levels of consciousness.

The result of this  rejuvenating vibrational experience is the washing away of past patterns and old stuck beliefs and addictions, as well as rebalancing and regenerating your entire body, mind and spirit.

We will assist you through this transformation with many years experience, knowledge and highly intuitive, heart-centred guidance and pure intention. It will help you connect with and sustain new harmonies that vibrate with health, prosperity, wellness and joy.

Participants are invited to share space for a divine healing journey like no other & delve into the cosmic realms, an experience that will lift your spirits HIGH!!

The healing journey invites participants to open up and share their deepest fears, traumas & life journeys, meditate together with a combination of gentle yoga and breathe work that helps you discover, dissolve stress, surrender, release, awaken & enliven the inner most heart through the healing powers in a safe, held and loving environment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”bounceInRight”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

What to expect

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Here at AUREUM HORUS we create a powerful environment that serves as a catalyst for your journey and a powerful conduit for healing, growth and peace.

There are many things we all encounter that can unbalance the perfect harmonies of our body, mind and spirit such as stress, toxins, traumas, illness, habit patterns and lifestyle choices.

A healing session can be compared to taking your car in for a tune-up, but the vehicle is your body and the tuning is literal.

As a human being, your vehicle is so much more complex than an automobile so the effect is deeply felt at all levels of consciousness.

The result of this rejuvenating vibrational experience is the washing away of past patterns and old stuck beliefs and addictions, as well as rebalancing and regenerating your entire body, mind and spirit.

We will assist you through this transformation with experience, share knowledge and use highly intuitive, heart-centred guidance and pure intention.

The session will attune to your personal and specific needs and then invoke divine wholeness.

It will help you connect with and sustain new harmonies that vibrate with health, prosperity, wellness and joy.

A healing session utilises healing frequencies and vibrations in order to strengthen and/or heal the energy body. It does this in 2 primary ways: through the sounds themselves and through inducing meditative or trance states to access non-physical realities or what shamans call spirit worlds.

All dis-ease is ultimately the result of problems with the energy body. The energy body includes mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual elements.

shamanic healing is both an art and a science, and takes into account all the elements that make up the energy body. Awareness and intention are just as important as sound. In fact, sound acts as a carrier frequency for healing intentions.


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Shamanic Rattle


Rattles are voices of spirits activating the healing properties and spiritual essences of herbs, beads, stones, as well as being recognised as containers of magical items.

Shamans have long held rattles as Beings of the water.

Rattles are water streaming over the body, or rain washing over cleaning and refreshing our physical and energetic selves.

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Shamanic Drumming

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression.

Drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self.

Drumming also synchronises the frontal and lower areas of the brain, integrating nonverbal information from lower brain structures into the frontal cortex.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”bounceInLeft”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Icaro Healing

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]“Everything in physical existence has a molecular structure that vibrates, and through this vibration a resonance can be heard.”

Icaros are sung during ceremonies to hold a protected healing space whilst helping participants navigate safely throughout the visionary spirit realms. Traditionally, sound has been used for healing in many cultures. Throughout the indigenous tribes of South America, plant songs are an integral part of the healing process. The Onanya explain that all plants have their own songs and these songs, the icaros, are taught to the healer during dietas – extended periods of time in isolation adhering to strict dietary conditions designed to receive the healing energy

and teachings of the plants. Each different master/teacher plant possesses songs that are given to the apprentice. The apprentice carries out numerous dietas while in training, typically for a minimum of four years and then continuing to diet plants throughout their life as an Onanya.

These Healing Icaros – puro sonido (pure sound) from the plants – form the backbone of the energy work during ceremonies. The Icaros work in combination and cooperation with the medicine to purge negative energies as well as fill the body with plant medicine.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]